Carpenter Bees


Unpainted or stained cedar, cypress and redwood shingles and siding are also attacked despite their pest-resistant reputations. Carpenter bees, like their distant relatives, the carpenter ants, differ from termites in that they do not consume the wood as food. They simply excavate damaging tunnels into the wooden members on the exterior of your home for nesting sites.
Carpenter Bees left untreated can cause thousands of dollars in damage to your home. Envirosafe Pest Control will safely and effectively eliminate all Carpenter Bees from causing further damage to your home.
Envirosafe Pest Control is the leading provider of Termite and Pest Control Services that are safe for your family, home, and pets. For over 30 years we have established ourselves as the areas standalone provider of green, earth friendly, organic, and low environmental impact termite and pest control services. Envirosafe Pest Control’s employees are Master Pest Technicians accredited through Clemson University’s esteemed program. With thousands of happy customers in the Charlotte area, our “Go Green” track record and environmental stewardship speaks for itself.